Before making an online booking it is important that you read through the following documents. One is our privacy policy and you will be asked whether you accept this as part of the booking process. The other document provides more detail about what exactly ADHD coaching is, what it isn’t, and how it differs from therapy. We would also encourage anyone considering booking a session to have a think about their core values, as this is an integral part of the coaching process. The third document below can help you with this if needed.




Coaching availability will keep increasing throughout the year, so if there isn’t a day or time to suit you now, please check back again. We will also let people on our mailing list (which you can subscribe to below) know when availability increases. Click on the links below to find out more about Clair and Wennie (both directors of Procrastination Station as well as certified coaches). 



1hr session with a Certified ADHD Life Coach: £60

Discounts may be available for low income/unwaged households. Email:

As a community interest company we have sought to keep our coaching costs for self funding individuals as low as possible. However, did you know that we also work with adults who have been awarded Access to Work funding? 

We offer a package tailored to the number of weeks and costs that you have been awarded. Please speak to us at your initial 30 minute call to set this up. 

Please note that discounts are not available for access to work funding but we will work within the budget that has been awarded to you.